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Sector newsletters

Our bi-monthly industry newsletters, from six key sectors, aim to keep you updated on the latest impartial insights, reports and events. The content is created and developed in partnership with industry-leading experts.

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Recent newsletters

Here are just some of the recent stories we’ve covered in our newsletters.


Digitisation for construction product manufacturers - a plain language guide

Manufacturers of construction products produce a significant part of the information required to bring about a safer construction industry, but currently, this information isn’t structured or shared in a consistent way. Our guide helps decision-makers in manufacturing identify why supplying structured data is important, how to avoid poor investment decisions, safe ways to share information about products across the supply chain, and more.

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EngShorts: How can we prepare future manufacturing engineers?

What are the key skills that engineers will need to survive and thrive? To discuss this question and more, we conducted a survey to gauge an understanding of what engineers in the sector think. The survey revealed the need for manufacturing engineers to have multi-disciplinary skills and the role that educators and government play in ensuring their success. What skills do you think future manufacturing engineers will need?

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Internet voting – do the challenges outweigh the benefits?

The debate around internet voting in the UK has been ongoing for years, with campaigners for and against discussing the benefits and challenges presented. We hosted a webinar discussing the issues surrounding internet voting. We examined real case studies to show different sides of the discussion and reflected on the ability and preparedness of the UK in holding online elections.

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Energy technologies for net zero

This guide serves as a comprehensive reference to the technologies that we can use to decarbonise the UK energy system, that can shift our energy demand from fossil fuels to a low-carbon supply. This guide presents comparative analysis of a set of seven published net zero pathways to uncover what our decarbonised energy system – both supply and demand – in 2050 will probably look like.

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A framework for digital transition in healthcare

An interoperable public health IT system requires e-health records to be subject to strong confidentiality controls, technical standards to be matched with clinical protocols, and national direction to be balanced with localised delivery models. Digital transformation must continue at pace in order to minimise environmental impact, increase social value, and provide our industry with a competitive edge.

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How do we make Smart Motorways safer?

Smart Motorways bring significant benefits, as they have been designed and implemented to address recurrent congestion on heavily used sections of motorways. The use of technology and conversion of the hard shoulder to a running lane, either permanently or dynamically, provides additional capacity to reduce congestion levels without the significant cost and disruption of building an extra lane.

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